Very proud to have supported NFU Mutual in getting their Gold Brandon Hall award 2015 by leading their Winning Performance Culture Programme on behalf of Lane 4. Top 5 in the world - an amazing achievement by a great team.
It is increasingly common in the workplace for organisations to form partnership relationships with other organisations or bodies. However whilst there is often great benefit to be gained from these relationships there is also often unfulfilled potential or even conflict when these relationships do not operate as effectively as they could.
At Splash we have some great experiences of enabling the parties to achieve big improvements in the effectiveness of these relationships. Again through listening carefully to the concerns of both parties and enabling them to see and hear clearly the other’s viewpoint we have been able to bring about some big improvements. We believe in supporting this with some ongoing skills development to enable people to continue in a positive way when the intervention is complete and to transfer these skills to the management of other relationships.
I have used Vicky to facilitate a series of events to address the partnership relationship between my company and Birmingham City Council. We are engaged in a contract to provide a service to the Council but there was considerable history and baggage between the managing teams of the two organizations which made effective partnership working very adversarial and difficult.
Vicky designed a programme which we then worked on with both senior management teams. The days were sometimes difficult but we worked hard on the actions that we committed to in the sessions. This resulted in definite improvements in the working relationship. Later we agreed with our Client a multi-million pound additional basket of 'Decent Homes' work.
I have also used Vicky to design and facilitate several company conferences which have had a very positive impact on my management team and on helping to change the culture of the organisation.
Peter Dunne
Managing Director
Midlands & West Region
AWG Facilities Services Ltd