Conducting an investigation, especially involving a complex complaint, can be very stressful for the investigator and all the other parties involved. It can have lasting damaging effects on working relationships as team members get drawn in to taking sides. This can be greatly exacerbated by using an inappropriate or inexperienced investigator. The consequences are often that the investigation takes a long time to resolve and issues are aggravated rather than resolved.
Using an experienced external investigator can help to alleviate many of these issues
We can provide a dedicated, experienced investigator who is clearly objective to all parties and who can carry out the investigation quickly, in a fair and professional manner. All our investigators have a thorough understanding of employment law, will be experienced practitioners, and will also provide advice to assist the employer should the case be taken to an Employment Tribunal.
There are times when formal procedures are appropriate, for example when there is a complaint of harassment or bullying. In these situations it can be very difficult to conduct a fair investigation using a member of your current management team.
There are cases where investigating disciplinary matters and harassment complaints in house using company employees is the fairest most effective approach. However there are cases, often the more complex ones, where this can present some challenges. For example finding an investigator who;
Experienced External Investigator
Using an experienced external investigator can help to alleviate many of these issues, for example: