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Very proud to have supported NFU Mutual in getting their Gold Brandon Hall award 2015 by leading their Winning Performance Culture Programme on behalf of Lane 4. Top 5 in the world - an amazing achievement by a great team.

1:1 Coaching

We provide 1:1 coaching that supports people to achieve their full potential by enabling them to understand their own purpose and developing confidence to try new approaches and tackle development issues. This is done through providing understanding, insight and encouragement whilst also providing challenge and on occasions some straight talking!

People who have been coached have made these comments:

When the offer of some coaching was first made to me, I thought it might involve some nice, but rather ineffectual chats. Working with Vicky proved the reverse. The process provoked helpful reflection. We were able to cover quite a lot of ground in a very practical and focused way which enabled me to be confident and clear in pursuing the next stage of my career. It saved a lot of time. Vicky also has a sense of humour, which helps enormously.

Clare Brooks
Director CFN

It is not often that you get the opportunity to ask and answer those big questions. 'What should I do next ?', 'What genuinely motivates me ?' etc. If getting the opportunity is one thing, getting the right coach on board to help and challenge you on your journey is another.

I had first encountered Vicky within a series of group coaching sessions and had appreciated her open yet thoughtfully challenging style. This rang true all of the way through my personal journey to such an extent that I had no hesitation of recommending her to the rest of my leadership team when they were trying to define their own teams' styles and associated ways of working.
The feedback to date suggests that this generating yet another success.

Ric Francis
Operations Director
The Post Office